关键词: 今泉浩一 The Secret to My Silky Skin 剧情 爱情 同性
i影视吧为您提供2014年由馬嶋亮太,本名一成,きたがわひろ,藤丸ジン太,伊藤清美,赤岩保元,萤,今泉浩一主演,今泉浩一导演的《柔肤之秘法》/原名《すべすべの秘法》/又名《The Secret to My Silky Skin》剧情 爱情 同性 电影在线观看完整版,《柔肤之秘法》百度云网盘资源以及《柔肤之秘法》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《柔肤之秘法》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!
一个男孩在京都与父母同住,因出差到东京住在恋人的家中。他们对在一起的五天没有特殊安排。他们打算早上去工作,傍晚回来,一起度过晚上和睡觉。在第一个晚上的时候,男孩发现无法回应恋人亲密的举动。其实他正被一件在他到达东京前的事困扰。Plot Summary:A boy who lives with his parents in Kyoto comes to Tokyo for a business trip and stays with his fuck buddy. They have no special plans for the five days together. They will go to work in the morning, come home, spend the evening together, and sleep. The first night when he arrives, the fuck buddy starts to have sex with him just as usual, but he is somehow unable to respond. In fact, he has been concerned about a certain thing since before he visits Tokyo.
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