“演员-罗根·保罗” 相关的影视资源列表


  • 英文名:LoganPaul
  • 职业://编剧
  • 星座:白羊座
  • 地区:Westlake, Ohio
  • 生日:1995-04-01
  • 出生地: Westlake, Ohio
  • 代表作:法律与秩序:特殊受害者 第十七季,编织记忆 第二季,人类削减计划2,孤注一生,回到火星
  • 简介:他的微博http://weibo.com/p/1005055690791987/info?mod=pedit_more Logan Paul was born in Westlake, Ohio. Paul is a social media phenomenon. Starting out on YouTube with little success, he eventually began creating videos on an app called Vine, and is now known for his incredibly popular Vine account with more than 8 million followers. Paul brings a large amount of energy and high production value to each of his 6-second videos on vine. He is a former State Champion wrestler, and received two scholarships to attend Ohio University in Athens where he is an industrial systems engineering major. After his immaculate success on vine, he has begun looking into minoring in media production. Paul's first TV acting job was a short in Bad Weather Films, playing Rainbow Man. This lead to a sequel simply called Rainbow Man. In early 2015, Paul landed a roll on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as a crazed kidnapper. In the pilot of a new Series, Weird Loners, the role of the Logan Twins is portrayed by Logan Paul.


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