“演员-布伦特·哈维” 相关的影视资源列表


  • 英文名:BrentHarvey
  • 职业:/
  • 星座:
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  • 生日:
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  • 代表作:欲奴,人生黄金期,风流韵事,魅惑之目,美国爱经
  • 简介:Brent Harvey is an actor and director known for Sleepless, Dive and Sleepless who found his voice as a Director during his time as Marine Corps Combat Photographer, documenting Operation Iraqi Freedom. After studying film at UCLA and NYFA his determination to bring riveting entertainment to viewers world wide. Brent is passionate about telling stories in front of the camera as an actor, but occasionally finds a passion project that takes him behind the camera with a recent film 'Dive' about a boxer in 1970 who is closeted and is blackmailed into throwing the fight of his career.


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