“演员-妮佳·海特洛娃” 相关的影视资源列表


  • 英文名:NikaKhitrova
  • 职业:
  • 星座:
  • 地区:俄罗斯,莫斯科
  • 生日:
  • 出生地: 俄罗斯,莫斯科
  • 代表作:留下罗茜,欲奴,石头上的血,遗产,Enchantress
  • 简介:Nika was born in Russia, with half Lithuanian parentage. Having moved to the United Kingdom as a child, she was spent her formative years in London. Bi-lingual in Russian and English, her training includes HB Studio in New York and The Imagine Life Studios - Diana Castle in Los Angeles. Having started acting as a young adolescent in Theatre she has since worked across the world, embodying and portraying both comedic and dramatic roles in film and television. She currently lives and works in Los Angeles.


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