“演员-艾迪·斯皮尔斯” 相关的影视资源列表


  • 英文名:EddieSpears
  • 职业:/
  • 星座:射手座
  • 地区:美国, 南达科塔, 下布鲁尔苏族印第安保留地
  • 生日:1982-11-29
  • 出生地: 美国, 南达科塔, 下布鲁尔苏族印第安保留地
  • 代表作:西部风云,地狱之轮 第一季,魂归伤膝谷,白牙,残酷的规则
  • 简介:Eddie Spears is an American actor. He is a member of the Kul Wicasa Oyate Lakota (often called "Sioux") Lower Brulé Tribe of South Dakota. He has 5 brothers and 1 sister. His older brother Michael is also an actor. He can speak Lakota, but has admitted that he is not fluent. He is an avid outdoorsman with hunting, fishing, archery and rodeo experience. Eddie can dance both the traditional and grass ceremonies of the Lakota. He also travels nationally as a keynote speaker.


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